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Saturday 27 December 2014

Policeman Beaten Black & Blue By Naval Officer Goes Blind

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When Emmanuel Mbilla was enlisted into the Nigeri­an Police Force 31 years ago, he might have dreamt of serving the country meritoriously and gloriously before handing over the baton to the next generation. Such dream has now been shattered by one ugly encounter with a naval officer.

Just four years for the long serving of­ficer to say goodbye to serving his country in uniform, what seems a tragedy struck on February 22 which abruptly cut short his long anticipated exit from the force. The singular incident had steadily sunk hole into his pocket, leaving him to now beg before he eats.

The victim’s second wife, Patience Mbilla, who witnessed the incident, told Saturday Sun that it all started when the naval officer, Enejor, drove recklessly to hit the pavement of her shop with his ve­hicle.

It has been nine months since the As­sistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) has been suffering after being allegedly attacked on the eye by the naval rating, identified as Warrant Officer Unaji Ene­jor on February 22 in the Kirikiri area of Lagos State.

Saturday Sun learnt that the 50-year-old victim had suffered glaucoma on his left eye before the incident, and a punch from his attacker on his right eye dealt a big blow to his overall sight.

All efforts made by Mbilla to regain his failing sight proved abortive. He told Saturday Sun that he had visited many hospitals in Lagos in a quest for a cure for his battered eye.

Presently, the policeman, who was previously doing virtually everything on his own, including driving his car, has now turned vegetable, relying on his two wives for help.

23:53 Share:
Rita Dominic

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